Trimble Asset

Last Trimble

The Trimble Community Asset Projectcan be found at:


$100 pays for a day for 14 at-risk teens to play 3v3 soccer and learn to officiate each other .

My name is Tad Albano. I am a Professional Referee and a Referee Instructor with US soccer, and I want to share my expertise and passion with a group of teens in a small Ohio community.  I operate Athens Soccer Academy (, and I already know teens find 3v3 soccer thrilling. This community needs an asset right now, even more today as the prescription pill mills have taken their toll. Soccer is this community asset.

Our game calendar begins Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 and runs for six consecutive weeks.  Every $100 will fund one age group of (13) thirteen players for one day of games. $2400 would fund four age groups for all six weeks.

Trimble 3v3 Soccer Leagues

 The Leagues are recreational soccer leagues for thirteen (13) girls and thirteen (13) boys from the Trimble school community. The main goals of these leagues are to provide an alternate and aerobic activity and teach cornerstone values.  Participants will play multiple games, and interested participants will have the opportunity to referee their peers. 


The Leagues are created and administered by Athens Soccer Academy (ASA). ASA will administer all aspects of the league.

Athens Soccer Academy has been working closely with BridgeBuilders of Trimble, Ohio, a 501(c) 3, in efforts to implement the Promise Trimble Mission,

The purpose of the Promise Neighborhood program is to create a system of solutions to address the needs of the community. These identified needs must be addressed to see ALL children and youth in Trimble Township graduate from High School, enter college or another higher education path, and enter a career field successfully. This is called the Cradle-to-Career continuum of solutions.

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BridgeBuilders will serve as the program financial liaison for Athens Soccer Academy.

The Trimble Leagues are 3 VERSUS 3, and competition is not the focus of the leagues

The Leagues’ aims are to facilitate a fun, safe, instructive, and communal environment. The Leagues are founded on the belief that communities can benefit from a structured non-competitive, athletic environment which encourages responsible decision making, volunteerism, and leadership.

Cornerstone Values



